Family, Friends and Collectors
This is your invitation to two art shows exhibiting the recent paintings of artists Douglas and Lilly Miley!
Mountain Artist’s Guild
228 N Alarcon St #B Prescott AZ
Tuesday June 23, 2020 – Saturday August 22, 2020
hours 10 AM – 3 PM
DUE to COVID there will not be a fourth Friday art walk reception!
Arts Prescott RECEPTION: 5 pm – 8 pm Friday June 26, 2020
Doug and I plan to welcome you at the reception and look forward to seeing you.
134 S Montezuma (Whiskey Row) Prescott AZ
Friday June 26, 2020 – Wednesday July 22, 2020, hours 10 AM – 5 PM
We invite you to stop at our home studio to view additional paintings or discuss a commission to your specifications.
Doug and Lilly Miley
1900 Forest Meadows Drive, Prescott AZ
928 445-8079 (Home) or 928 533-3247 (Cell)
Blessings from Doug and Lilly!